

Monday, May 23, 2005

Gallery 701 

Last Thursday I went to a great concert featuring Sam Bush and Danielle Howle. The concert was sponsored by Gallery 701, but it was held at Longstreet Theater on the USC campus.

I had never heard of Gallery 701 before I heard about this concert. It turns out that the place has an interesting backstory. The reason they're holding their events all over town right now is that the historic Gallery 701 building needs serious repairs before people will be allowed to go back into it. It's on a piece of land that has become valuable, and the city would like to condemn and demolish it. Many fines have been issued against the Gallery, and the Executive Director has even been threatened with jail time.

Through donations, Gallery 701 has kept going and kept up a regular schedule of shows. They hope to be back in their building soon with a little help from the community.

You can read the whole story, as well as get information on upcoming shows, on their web site, gallery701.org.
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Friday, May 13, 2005

Thank Goodness 

Reading about how pharmacists across the U.S. have been refusing to fill some prescriptions has me nervous. I don't need any controversial medications right now, but I'd like to think that if I did, I wouldn't have to risk jeopardizing my health when I hand over my prescription to a pharmacist. That's why I was glad (and, I'll admit, surprised) to read that so far, pharmacist refusals haven't been a problem in South Carolina.
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Thursday, May 12, 2005

The State Hospital: An Historic Asylum 

Evelyn Morales's article "A Journey Through History" in this week's Free Times is a detailed and personal tour of one of South Carolina's more interesting but lesser-known historic sites.
"Originally named the S.C. Lunatic Asylum, it was designed by one of the nation?s most renowned architects, Robert Mills, in 1822, and, like the issue of mental illness, is often overlooked. Likewise, the stigma of mental illness has not only cloaked the Mills asylum, but also other significant structures on the grounds with a veil of silence and dilapidation in the midst of downtown."

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Wednesday, May 04, 2005

A Contender for Sanford 

Republican Dr. Oscar Lovelace Jr. has decided to challenge incumbent Governor Sanford in South Carolina's gubernatorial election next year. In this article in The State, he calls Sanford "libertarian." As if that's a bad thing.

I'm aware that many Republican politicians in the state are annoyed with Sanford because he refuses to toe the party line. But it's just that independent streak that the people of South Carolina love about him. It's partly what got him elected in 2002, and I predict that it's going to help him get re-elected in 2006, challengers from his own party notwithstanding.
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Monday, May 02, 2005

If I Had a Million Dollars... 

...I probably wouldn't use it all to buy a house. This article, "What you get for a million bucks," discusses the increase in the number of million-dollar homes for sale around America.

I decided to see how many million-dollar homes were available in Columbia. According to Realtor.com, there are several. But what surprised me is that a few of those houses are right down the street from me! I had no idea that those brand-new gigantic houses on little tiny lots were selling for such a ridiculous amount.
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